1-800-796-1476 "Best of South Jersey"

Organization and Effort

Our mission statement is more than just words. We believe that success in recovering your assets is about effort and timing. We understand that effort without organization and planning is as effective as a bull charging into a concrete wall. It may get through to the other side someday, but it will certainly get there quicker if it finds a way around the wall.

Quality Asset Recovery is prepared to handle your business. We can accept your accounts in almost any conventional secured manner (Encrypted files , Secure Email or  Secured fax or hard copy). QAR will provide you with a check list of what is needed on each file to start the collection process. The speed of our acknowledgement often is dictated by the amount of effort required to transfer your assignment to our system, but as we process additional assignments we will do everything we can to improve this process. This is not only for your benefit, but time is of the essence when it comes to collecting delinquent inventory. This is every bit as important to us as it is to you as we cannot make a profit without achieving our and your goals. .

Successful recovery depends on timing and documentation. We produce and mail the initial notification upon completion of the screening process, and document its completion. Then starts our recovery process that we have created for your specific needs.

Achieving successful recovery is managing the inventory within the guidelines established by Federal, State and Local laws. We also maintain memberships with organizations such as the American Collectors Association , in addition to attending conferences run by Healthcare organizations, credit organizations and other collections & billing functions. Finally, we ensure that our staff understands our expectations and requirements through training programs both in-house and from outside organizations.

 Recovery may not be rocket science, but it is hard work and hard work requires organization and planning to achieve success.

We are committed to provide you with quality efforts.