Consumer /Patient Inquiries
(856) 925-1010
(800) 796-1476
Payment address:
Po Box 239
Gibbsboro NJ 08026
Payment website:
Emailing : You acknowledge by clicking the Submit button you understand that certain private information about your account will be displayed .You are responsible for maintaining the information displayed as private and take all responsibility for any disclosure of information to any third party occurring beyond this point,such as allowing a person in your vicinity to view the computer screen.You may call 1-800-796-1476 if you do not wish to continue to use the website.By accessing this website you acknowledge you have been directed to this site by written /verbal communication from Quality Asset Recovery LLC , a debt collector attempting to collect a debt which included an explanation of your validation rights, your account number, balance due and name of current creditor of your account. This is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose.