QAR Technology
QAR continues to keep up on today's cutting edge technology. Listed below is a sample of the technology we use to increase our productivity.
CollectOne Tiger (CDS): The backbone of our collection efforts is complimented by this comprehensive software platform.
I-Collect: The use of the I-Collect secure portal for all security compliance when placing inventory.
Bill Payments: We offer many payment solutions to consumers in the ever changing technology driven environment such as Online Secure website payment portals and a 24/7 real time call in processor for credit cards & check processing making it easier for consumers to resolve their accounts at their convenience.
Text /Talk Solutions : **NEW FEATURE ** Consumers will now have the ability to text our office and receive texts to commuicate with our staff, making the resolution of their accounts available in real-time.
Billing Software: Our billing software can produce any UB-04 or 1500 HCFA forms necessary for insurance companies and submit those claims electronically to resolve your accounts in a more timely manner.
Skiptracing: We employ the use of various cutting edge skip tracing software companies for our skip tracing needs, giving a cost-effective and powerful tool in tracking consumers.
Advanced Phone Technology: QAR's state of the art telephone system has the ability to make multiple contacts simultaneously and record in real time .
Technology & Support: Our office uses the most advanced technology & operating systems. QAR demands the most secure protection of our clients inventory and consumer's personal information.